Smart Money
Coins.ph MoneySmart Philippines Review 2020
If you still have not discovered the wonders of e-wallet services, you’re missing out on a lot. They have definitely made banking and other financial transactions easy and convenient during this community quarantine. Check out Coins.ph, another mobile wallet service that you can download on your phone or computers to make a variety of financial…
7 July 2020

CIMB Digital Bank Savings Account – MoneySmart Review 2020
Saving money takes a lot of discipline and making moneysmart choices, and having savings in the bank is a huge relief when you have unexpected expenses during uncertain times. Fortunately, opening a savings account is easy and can now be paperless, thanks to digital banking. It’s certainly worth exploring as we all embrace the new…
16 June 2020

ING Digital Bank Peso Savings Account – MoneySmart Review 2020
Opening a bank account these days can be a hassle because of the stay-at-home orders. Thankfully, digital banks like ING Philippines are offering convenient, branchless ways to do it. Instead of visiting a local branch where you are more likely to be exposed to people, you can do it on a mobile app. Digital banking…
15 June 2020

The Best Travel Insurance for You – MoneySmart Philippines Review 2020
Covid-19 has certainly ground everyone’s travel plans to a halt. For now, we can only make travel plans and pray that this pandemic will soon be over so that these plans can turn into reality. While we stay at home and get used to the new normal, why not learn about how travel insurance works?…
22 May 2020

The MoneySmart Guide to Creating a Pandemic-Proof Financial Plan
The Covid-19 pandemic has everyone all over the world in full crisis mode. While most Filipinos carry on with work-from-home setups, a lot of Filipinos are struggling financially, especially those who receive wages on a daily basis. With their earning capacity severely affected by the Enhanced Community Quarantine, not all Filipinos are financially prepared to…
22 May 2020

How to Avoid Work From Home Burnout – MoneySmart Philippines
As days turn to weeks and weeks turn to months, more and more people are experiencing work from home burnout. You may be finding it hard to get up from bed to begin your work day. Maybe you just don’t have the desire to work at all. Or you may be having trouble logging off…
22 May 2020

Job Hunting for Fresh Graduates While on Enhanced Community Quarantine
Even if commencement exercises were cancelled because of the Covid-19 pandemic, it’s not reason enough for you to sulk, feel angry, or forgo your celebrations at home. You’ve earned that diploma, and this milestone is something that merits a celebration! So go ahead and celebrate in your own way, graduate! And even if everyone is…
22 May 2020

Smart Money
Know Your PhilHealth Benefits – MoneySmart Philippines Guide 2020
Utilizing your PhilHealth benefits is the last thing you want to do, mainly because no one wants to visit or stay at the hospital for injury or illness. But if you do get hospitalized, PhilHealth is a great thing to have because it will save you money on hospital expenses and doctor’s fees. This is…
21 May 2020

ING Bank vs. CIMB Digital Banks – Which is Better?
Online banking isn’t new to Filipinos. With most commercial banks continuously upgrading their systems, you can practically do all your banking transactions online. Why waste time queuing when you can just go online to transfer funds and pay bills, right? But online banking has its limitations, and this is where digital banking comes in. ING…
19 May 2020

What Filipinos Should Know About Digital Banking in the Philippines During COVID-19
Digital banking almost shares the same concept as online banking. But full digital banking allows you to open a bank account without going to a branch. No long lines. No printed forms. Everything is online by registering on the mobile app. Let’s find out how useful digital banking is in the time of COVID-19 and…
18 May 2020

Music Streaming Services in the Philippines (Spotify, Apple Music, and SoundCloud) – Which One Should You Get?
Do you remember playing those cassette tapes in the ‘80 and the ‘90s? And then using a pencil to rewind them? Have you also downloaded mp3s and burned them in CDs? Now, you can effortlessly listen to all the music that you want on your gadgets, thanks to music streaming services. You can create all…
14 May 2020

COVID-19: List of Enhanced Community Quarantine Financial Support Packages in the Philippines
You are probably feeling the financial impact of the extended ECQ by now. It definitely has affected the way we earn money and how we find new earning opportunities, and not in a good way. Thankfully, the government is extending its financial support through its Social Amelioration Programs (SAP) under the mandate of the Republic…
29 April 2020

Here’s Where You Can Order Groceries and Essentials During Enhanced Community Quarantine – MoneySmart Philippines
With the Enhanced Community Quarantine still in place, online groceries and delivery services have never been more in demand. Not only is it quick and convenient, it also keeps us safe at home, right where we should be. Just add to your cart, set a delivery schedule, make your payment, and wait for your groceries…
21 April 2020

5 Money Lessons for Filipinos During COVID-19 and Enhanced Community Quarantine
Days before the government imposed the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) in NCR and across provinces in Luzon, a lot of Filipinos resorted to hoarding and panic buying. As COVID-19 cases increased, people also flocked to the supermarkets and drugstores for food and health supplies. Local government units began to work round the clock to ensure…
18 April 2020

Is Covid-19 Covered By Your Insurance? – MoneySmart Philippines Guide 2020
Aside from following our country’s strict Enhanced Community Quarantine measures, having the protection of a life or health insurance will help in easing your worries. It’s good to know that you have financial back-up if ever you get sick during this health crisis. Learn about your insurance coverage and what to do in case you…
16 April 2020

How Travel Insurance Works – The MoneySmart Guide for Filipinos
It’s very easy to overlook this thing called travel insurance when you’re so busy planning your itinerary or looking for the cheapest airfares. A lot of travelers even think it’s just an added expense. But if you knew just how important it is to have travel insurance coverage whenever you travel, it would be the…
16 April 2020

Battle of the Streaming Services in the Philippines (Netflix, Amazon Prime, Apple TV+ etc.) – Which Should You Get?
Gone are the days when you’d sit down in front of the TV and watch something you don’t even like just because it’s the only good show on. Streaming services can now provide you with what you want to watch when you want. For a fee, of course. Which streaming service should you get, and…
16 April 2020

7 Must Have Rewards Cards in the Philippines – MoneySmart 2020
Doesn’t it annoy you when you shop or eat at an establishment all the time, but they don’t have a frequent shopper or a loyalty program? Loyalty cards, also known as rewards cards, can go a long way, especially if you want the most bang for your buck. But don’t fret — here are some…
16 April 2020

Credit Card
The Best Balance Transfer Credit Cards – MoneySmart Philippines Review
If you want to consolidate your balance from several credit cards into just one credit card, a balance transfer may be just what you need. This way, you don’t need to keep track of several due dates and feel the strain on your finances each month. You can just pay a certain amount per month…
16 April 2020

Earn Money
5 Part-Time Jobs in the Philippines During Enhanced Community Quarantine
As we face this global pandemic and scientists are racing to create a vaccine, you just can’t help but wonder when all this will end. The impact of this virus has already resulted in losses estimated to P91 billion. The Philippine government rolled out a P27.1 billion spending plan, and conservative estimates see this budget…
15 April 2020

10 Best Job Search Websites and Apps to Find Work From Home Jobs in the Philippines
Searching for an online job during the Enhanced Community Quarantine? Or staying at home have you decided to stay and adopt work from home? Work from home is the new normal during the Enhanced Community Quarantine. Unfortunately, there are Filipinos who are under the “no work, no pay” contract. This certainly poses a huge financial…
11 April 2020

Smart Money
Cashless Payments in the Philippines – What are the Best E-Wallets for Filipinos?
With most places in Luzon on enhanced community quarantine, Filipinos are relying on cashless payments more than ever. It’s highly recommended today, especially when you go to the grocery or pharmacy and pay at the counter or when paying for your food deliveries. Filipinos have already been using e-wallets like GCash, Paymaya, and GrabPay to…
8 April 2020

Credit Card
Best Credit Cards in the Philippines with No Annual Fees – MoneySmart Review 2020
Tired of calling customer support every year to request for a waiver of your credit card annual fees? Don’t worry, because these credit cards with no annual fees will spare you from the frustration. We have listed down credit cards from AUB, Bank of Commerce, BDO, China Bank, and Citibank, just to name a few.…
5 April 2020

Borrow Money
Best Home Loans Philippines (2020) – Most Affordable Housing Loans Reviewed
Still looking for the best home loans in the Philippines? Are you comparing interest rates and looking for the most flexible payment terms? But before you choose the one with the lowest rates, make sure you read the fine print and understand what a long-term home loan entails. Buying a home is a very exciting…
3 April 2020

Borrow Money
BPI Home Loans vs BDO Home Loans vs Metrobank Home Loans – Which Local Bank Is Best?
Buying a house is a long-term commitment. Are you financially prepared to buy one, and is it the right time to buy? These are just some of the important questions you need to ask yourself before speaking to a home loan officer or filling out that loan application form. Aside from that, you also need…
1 April 2020